Our Story

Welcome to Uvlizer, where innovation meets well-being. Our journey began with a simple yet powerful vision – to create products that enhance the quality of life by fostering cleaner, healthier environments.

The Genesis

In a world filled with unseen threats, the founders of Uvlizer recognized the need for advanced solutions that go beyond traditional cleaning methods. Inspired by cutting-edge technology, they embarked on a mission to develop products that not only eliminate microscopic invaders but also promote overall well-being.

Our Mission

At Uvlizer, our mission is to empower individuals and families to breathe freely and live in spaces that are free from allergens and contaminants. We believe that a healthier home leads to a healthier life.

What Sets Us Apart

Innovative Technology

Our products are crafted using state-of-the-art technology, including UV-C rays and ozone disinfection, to ensure the highest standard of cleanliness. We strive to stay ahead of the curve by continuously exploring new ways to enhance our offerings.

Commitment to Quality

Quality is at the core of everything we do. From product design to manufacturing, we uphold the highest standards to deliver reliable, effective, and safe solutions for your home.

Customer-Centric Approach

We value our customers above all else. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we are committed to providing excellent customer service at every step of your Uvlizer experience.

Our Product Range

UVO Lamps

Discover the power of UVO lamps – your ultimate defense against dust mites, allergens, and germs. Transform your living spaces into havens of purity with our range of UVO lamps.

Uvlizer Towers

Breathe in freshness with Uvlizer Towers. Our towers use advanced technology to alleviate allergy symptoms, sanitize spaces, and create a healthier home environment.


Meet UvBot, your robotic ally in the fight against contaminants. UvBot combines efficiency and innovation to ensure your surroundings are pristine.

Join the Uvlizer Family

As we continue to grow and innovate, we invite you to join the Uvlizer family. Experience the difference that advanced technology can make in your daily life. Whether you're seeking relief from allergies or aiming for a cleaner, healthier home, Uvlizer is here for you.

Contact Us

Phone: +1 (833)-269-5765

Email: support@uvlizer.co

Address: Uvlizer c/o RAIS INTERNATIONAL LLC, 16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, DE 19958

Thank you for choosing Uvlizer – where well-being and technology converge.